The teacher aides on the NZEI Te Riu Roa negotiation team are ecstatic about the proposed settlement. This is a milestone for teacher aides and a significant step towards addressing pay equity for women in the education sector," Hipkins says. Credits: Video - The AM Show; Image - Getty ImagesDetails of the settlement will be sent to all teacher aides before NZEI members vote on it. Chris Hipkins says the Ministry of Education and NZEI Te Riu Roa agreed to settle the pay equity claim, which was first lodged in 2016."Teacher aides are frontline workers who work closely with some of our most vulnerable children. CTU Congratulates NZEI Teacher Aides Thursday, 28 May 2020, 11:47 am Press Release: Council of Trade Unions The Council of Trade Unions is congratulating teacher aides in … “What this offer from the government does is acknowledge the historic under valuation of the significant and important work that the, predominately female, teacher aide workforce does. And that is amazing.” “This settlement also paves the way for pay equity settlements for other support staff groups, such as administrators and Kaiārahi i te Reo, which we’re looking to progress as quickly as possible.” NZEI Te Riu Roa members will be able to access union support and member workshops to make sure they are on the right grade.In addition to pay increases, the proposed settlement changes the way skills are assessed, includes a more flexible and increased Tiaki allowance (formerly “dirty work” allowance), makes changes to how much hours can be varied and increases professional learning and development funding. A commitment has also been made to investigate central funding, the use of fixed term contracts and the development of career pathways. All teacher aides will start receiving the new pay rates by November 2020, backdated to 12 February 2020. More than 22,000 school teacher aides have been offered a life-changing pay equity settlement including pay increases of up to 28%, following a pay equity process that NZEI Te Riu Roa initiated with the Ministry of Education in 2016. The teacher aides on the NZEI Te Riu Roa negotiation team are ecstatic about the proposed settlement. Following a vote open to all teacher aides to endorse the settlement, NZEI Te Riu support staff members will vote to vary their collective agreement to take in the settlement. “It’s going to change my life in so many ways,” she says. Taken together with Living Wage pay increases won during collective bargaining late last year, most teacher aides will now receive pay rises of 23-34% across the course of 2020. We have a proud history of successful campaigning for better status and pay for our members.
Fa’a Sisnett, a teacher aide in West Auckland, says, “Winning pay equity means that I can feel like a valued, contributing
Teacher aide Ally Kemplen, who is on NZEI Te Riu Roa's pay equity negotiation team, says teacher aides will be welcoming the long-awaited negotiations. This proposed settlement will finally pay teacher aides equitably and recognise their value,” he says. NZEI Te Riu Roa has the collective strength to negotiate improved pay and conditions. Grades and This fund was significantly increased as part of the teacher aide pay equity settlement. NZEI members have... Read more » The teacher aide professional learning and development pilot fund worth $2.29m is available from today! More than 22,000 workers are affected by this."I'm pleased that an agreement has now been reached. If the role in question is not called a teacher aide but the work involved can be located in the matrix, then the role is likely covered by the teacher aide pay equity settlement. By joining NZEI you can be sure that: your pay and Following this, all teacher aides will be transferred to new pay steps based on a new work grading matrix.In the coming weeks, all teacher aides in schools and kura will have the opportunity to attend Zoom hui to discuss the details before voting online to endorse the settlement. NZEI Te Riu Roa President, Liam Rutherford, says the proposed settlement is a huge win for teacher aides and for women. Annie Te Moana, Kaiāwhina, South Auckland, says - “Mana taurite pay equity will change my life and many of my colleagues because now we will be able to live a little bit more comfortably, mana taurite also recognises and values our roles as kaiāwhina in kura throughout Aotearoa.” “All teacher aides go above and beyond, often working unpaid just to ensure the children get what they need during the school day. This is because teacher aides only work during school hours and school terms, so the job is attractive to those wishing to work family-friendly hours locally. The teacher age should be based on the work that they're doing this includes new grades A-D with sticks with an eight grade as part of the implementation of the settlement.
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