Stellan Johansson brought a kiwi to Skottorps Pizzeriain southern Sweden and asked its Turkish owner to create a tasty pizza with sliced kiwis as a pepperoni-like topping. I have try it few times."The attention has certainly tickled Johansson, who told Insider he thinks it's funny the pizza has blown up. Johansson's culinary imagination has been at play since December when his brother gave him 10kg of kiwi fruit for Christmas which he had grown in his greenhouse. Like what you see here? “I will eat kiwi pizza again,” he said.The owner of Skottorps Pizzeria, Firat Gultekin, told Insider: “This is for sure one of the weirdest requests, but I just do them. Stellan Johansson from Skottorp, Sweden has sparked a conversation about fruity pizza toppings as his photo of a kiwi pizza has gone viral. This is not the first time an unconventional pizza topping has come out of Sweden, as banana curry pizza is also a thing. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation.But he feels differently about own creation.
Some people want kebab without kebab, or shrimps with banana, ham, pineapple, and chicken, so we are used to this kind of request."When asked if he had seen a kiwi pizza before, Johansson told Insider: "I have never seen kiwis on any menu."However, of this Johansson said: "I don't like bananas on pizza.
Some people want kebab without kebab, or shrimps with banana, ham, pineapple, and chicken, so we are used to this kind of request.”The attention has certainly tickled Johansson, who told Insider he thinks it’s funny the pizza has blown up.As for whether the kiwi pizza is going to be hanging around on Skottorps Pizzeria’s, menu, Gultekin said: “I don’t know right now because these days trends disappear fast, but I will have it for a couple of weeks for sure.”Johansson’s culinary imagination has been at play since December when his brother gave him 10kg of kiwi fruit for Christmas which he had grown in his greenhouse.Stellan Johansson from Skottorp, Sweden has sparked a conversation about fruity pizza toppings as his photo of a kiwi pizza has gone viral.Like us on Facebook to see similar storiesThis is not the first time an unconventional pizza topping has come out of Sweden, as banana curry pizza is also a thing. "I will eat kiwi pizza again," he said.As for whether the kiwi pizza is going to be hanging around on Skottorps Pizzeria's, menu, Gultekin said: "I don't know right now because these days trends disappear fast, but I will have it for a couple of weeks for sure."The owner of Skottorps Pizzeria, Firat Gultekin, told Insider: "This is for sure one of the weirdest requests, but I just do them. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it. A photo of the pizza was posted to Reddit, with the comment: "Kiwi pizza from a Danish pizzeria, an unholy abomination."
Every pizzeria in Sweden have bananas with curry, peanuts and chicken. However, a Swedish man has challenged the boundary between fruit and pizza by introducing kiwi pizza to the world.
Viral kiwi-topped Swedish pizza stirs debate, Pizza Hut responds - Insider A Swedish man who was gifted 10kg of kiwis by his brother has been experimenting with kiwi-based cooking. We are wondering if Chef Ramsay has seen this ‘unholy’ kiwi topped pizza yet. Stellan Johansson, an …
A Swedish man who was gifted 10kg of kiwis by his brother has been experimenting with kiwi-based cooking. I have try it few times.”When asked if he had seen a kiwi pizza before, Johansson told Insider: “I have never seen kiwis on any menu.”Please give an overall site rating:But he feels differently about own creation.
A Swedish man who was gifted 10kg of kiwis by his brother has been experimenting with kiwi-based cooking. However, of this Johansson said: “I don’t like bananas on pizza. Well, we don’t really know if you would like your pizza this way, but the Swedish swear by it.
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