Opening times for Halfords in Bradford Bradford is a branch belonging to Halfords brand. Please see below for opening and closing times, telephone number and a local map.The information listed here is for guidance only. You can see when nearest store is open and closed on weekdays and holidays. You can see when nearest store is open and closed on weekdays and holidays.

Our mobile fleet will continue to serve customers on their drives and, of course, we’re open 24/7 online at where you can order for delivery to you.Based on the government advice we have reviewed our shop and garage estate to ensure we are able to offer essential services across the country in a way that is safe for our colleagues and our customers.To find out how best to book the service you need please visit the website – this will also contain updated information about store and garage opening hours.It goes without saying that we are taking care to ensure that vulnerable colleagues who should not be working at the present time are able to stay at home.We have also changed the way you collect your built bike in-store, to keep everyone safe.To keep our colleagues and customers safe, we will be ensuring that we maintain a 2 metre distance at all times.The majority of our garages and shops are open. To keep our colleagues and customers safe, we are offering a “Drive in, fit and repair” proposition for essential motoring and cycling services alongside a “Drive in pick or collect point for products” all within social distancing rules.From 24th July, all customers will be required to wear face coverings upon entering our stores or garages in both England and Scotland.We have introduced new safety measures and equipment to protect our customers and colleagues while we carry out these services. Our new interior vehicle sanitiser will be used to sanitise the car before a colleague carries out your service.All MOT, service, tyres, brakes and exterior work.

It is open on: Monday 09:00 - 20:00, Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00, Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00, Thursday 09:00 - … Find opening hours to Halfords Autocentre near me. Tomorrow Halfords will be open from 09:00 until 20:00.

Welcome to the contact page for Halfords Bradford. Closing times when nearest shop is open and closed on weekdays, weekends, holidays, late night and Sunday shopping. We have introduced new safety measures and equipment to protect our customers and colleagues. If your MOT is due before March 30th 2020 or from 1st August 2020 then you will need to get your MOT completed before it expires.As the country begins to get moving again, we are evolving how our stores and garages operate.

The regular opening times of Halfords Bradford Road in Huddersfield are Monday to Friday 9AM-8PM, on Saturday 9AM-6PM, on Sunday 10AM-5PM. Other discounts (e.g. Opening Hours for Halfords Autocentre in Bradford On Avon.

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