Those topics have dominated Trump’s presidency as well, and will figure prominently in the 2020 general election, when he faces whichever Democrat emerges from the crowded primary field.Watch the new series, starting Sunday, July 26 at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Trump pledged to eliminate Obama-era regulations on businesses, cut taxes, revive the manufacturing sector, boost domestic energy production, renegotiate trade agreements and take other steps to create new jobs.The president forced a federal government shutdown and declared a national emergency to obtain funding to start building a wall on the southern border, a signature issue that he claims will strengthen security and deter people from trying to sneak across the border. Read the latest news and analysis on President Donald Trump. But Trump does have a track record on a broad range of topics, from immigration to health care, climate change to foreign affairs.Subscribe to Here’s the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else.Additional Support Provided By:© 1996 - 2020 NewsHour Productions LLC. Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on Donald Trump. Donald Trump's Three Problems. 1/ Trump’s national security adviser tested positive for COVID-19.Robert O’Brien, the closest person to Trump and highest-ranking official to test positive so far, “has mild symptoms and has been self-isolating and working from a secure location off site,” the White House said. This site is not intended to favor left or right viewpoints, but rather a source to absorb the overall sentiment of our President in the news. Please check your inbox to confirm.President Donald Trump officially kicked off his reelection campaign Tuesday at a rally in Orlando, Florida, nearly four years to the day that he launched his first White House bid with a speech in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York.Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour.Earlier this year, Trump proposed creating a “merit-based” system that would prioritize accepting migrants who have specific jobs skills, instead of those with “family ties” who have relatives living in the U.S. ‘Do I want to see a date change? by Irwin M. Stelzer | December 03, 2016 05:00 AM Print this article. A Florida-based Republican told me his colleagues are now prepared 'to do anything' to keep Trump in power‘Many should be arrested because these are professional agitators, these are professional anarchists, these are people that hate our country’President’s oldest son suggested doll must be a Democrat and an election cheatThe candidate claims Democrats want to destroy economy to hurt Trump The Trump administration changed the rules to make it harder for people to claim asylum in the U.S., and instituted a “zero-tolerance” policy that resulted in the separation of thousands of families at the U.S.-Mexico border.Back in 2015, Trump was a real estate developer-turned-reality television star making his first run for elected office. His campaign centered on immigration, trade and the economy.
Soon after taking office, Trump blocked visitors from several majority-Muslim countries by executive order; after a lengthy legal battle, the courts ultimately upheld a limited version of the plan. The proposal would fundamentally transform immigration policy, but has not gained traction in Congress.
Strengthening … All the latest breaking news on Donald Trump. Find out more about his bio and key issues. All Rights Reserved.Thank you.
Trump News Today tries hard to publish content from viewpoints across the entire political spectrum. Subscribe to ‘Here's the Deal,’ our politics newsletterStrengthening the economy by driving economic growth was a key part of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” message in 2016. Still, it underscores Trump’s belief that unchecked immigration represents a threat to U.S. prosperity and security.Trump has said undocumented migrants drain social services, take jobs away from Americans, and bring crime to the United States, though many experts disagree, and he has taken numerous steps as president to fulfill his 2016 campaign promises to reduce both legal and illegal immigration.
Donald Trump Biden says Trump is first racist U.S. president 'Person, woman, man, camera, TV': Trump again brags about cognitive test performance
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