A firearms license is a state license however it is issued under the authority of county licensing officers. Firearms license application processing includes a state and federal background check, a fingerprint based background check, and a check with the Department of Mental Health. To be eligible to have a firearms license you:A firearms license is a state license however it is issued under the authority of county licensing officers. ATF defines a Responsible Person (RP) as a sole proprietor, partner, or anyone having the power to direct the management, policies, and practices of the business or activity as it pertains to firearms. License processing may take up to 90 days. Submit your application at the court along with your fingerprints. To apply for a new Indiana License to Carry a Handgun: Step 1: Complete a Handgun License Application online at the Indiana State Police Handgun Licensing Portal. Once the application fee is processed, the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) will enter your application information into its database and commence a full review of your application. For all license types, except type 03, required supporting materials, including fingerprint card(s) and photograph(s) will also be reviewed. Apply To Your Local Police Department. Subscribe to receive news and update from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and ExplosivesThe field office supervisor will issue an assignment to an Industry Operations Investigator (IOI) who will conduct an in-person interview with you. For all license types, except type 03, required supporting materials, including fingerprint card(s) and photograph(s) will also be reviewed.Assuming that all background checks have been completed and your business address and proposed business operations are in compliance with state and local law, the FFLC will complete the application processing and issue you the license. The IOI will discuss federal, state and local requirements with you, and go over your application with you to ensure the information is correct and current.The IOI will then prepare a report of his/her interview, the inspection and make a recommendation to either issue you the license or deny the application. An applicant must decide what type of license will be sought.You should expect it to take a minimum of four months from the time of application until a license is either granted or denied. You must apply in the county in which you live or are principally employed.The cost varies by county. The most common types of firearm licenses are: All responsible persons must complete their own Part B – Responsible Person Questionnaire of the ATF Form 7/7CR.Keep up with the latest ATF updates:Once the application fee is processed, the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) will enter your application information into its database and commence a full review of your application.
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