1:22-26; 2:21).3:8Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Paul had regarded his advantages over other people as what put him in an especially good position with God. If he had in mind only the generosity of his original readers, he may have meant that good work. Consequently, we must look for another explanation of this verse.As we work out our own sanctification, we must remember certain things: We serve a holy God, we have a strong and crafty adversary, and we are weak and dependent on God for all that we need. That behavior culminated in the Israelites' refusal to enter and occupy the Promised Land from Kadesh-barnea (Num. The *emperor Augustus allowed retired soldiers to live thereafter they had supported him in a battle in 31 *BC. Regardless of the present privileged position that we may occupy, we must not retain it as a prize.Which of these three am I (reader)?
We need to love in harmony with God's revelation, and with His Spirit's guidance (v. 9), so we will choose the best over the good (v. 10a). We may give these people the impression that we do not appreciate their gift, or we may lead them to conclude that we are greedy.
Those "on earth" are people still alive on the earth. In this section, his own example encourages us again to make Jesus Christ the focus of our lives. The Bible teaches that God will resurrect all people, believers and unbelievers, who have died (e.g., Dan. In a word, He restricted the benefits of His attributes as they pertained to His walk on earth and voluntarily chose not to use His powers to lift Himself above ordinary human limitations.1.     Restoring unity 4:2-3Paul clearly expected that Jesus could have returned before he died (i.e., an imminent Rapture). 13:6; 2 Tim.
This tribe alone, besides Judah, remained loyal to David's house when the monarchy divided in 931 B.C. We focus on Him and find our satisfaction in Him because He is our Savior.The Via Egnatia, the main highway going from Rome toward the east, ran through Philippi, and brought much commerce and many travelers to Philippi. When the hour is the darkest, and the trials are their greatest, do you have a positive effect on those around you? Paul evidently was still communicating with many people, even though he was a prisoner.claimed to be the water of life.Robert Wilkin, the writer quoted above, later changed his view and adopted the "spiritual resurrection view."What is the award that will follow this attitude and this activity?
He may have remained there until he traveled to Troas to join Paul on his way to Jerusalem during Paul's third missionary journey (Acts 20:5). This exhortation is necessary for today, when we feel tempted to agree with, or go along with unbelievers, rather than taking a firm stand for our Lord.The last phrase in this verse modifies the fellowship of Christ's sufferings.
It shows that Jesus Christ was not just willing to change His behavior for others, but He really did so by becoming a man who was a servant. Only then will we make choices that will prepare us to give a good account of ourselves at the judgment seat of Christ.Paul proceeded to deal with a significant group of antagonists that the Philippians faced.1:7            Verses 7 and 8 express the basis of Paul's confidence that he just expressed (v. 6). But I think it is necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs. These are fundamental revelations of God's will for all of us who are Christians, which are especially relevant to our calling to proclaim the gospel.4:11          Paul did not want the Philippians to misunderstand him. The church evidently met in Lydia's home at first (Acts 16:15).The ultimate goal in view emerges in the second part of this verse. The key to achieving unity is for each believer to adopt the humble mind of Christ.Paul organized his thoughts on this subject by constructing two pairs: The Philippians had "learned and received" many helpful lessons from Paul, their teacher. Paul had many fellow workers whose commitment to Jesus Christ was complete at this time, one of whom was Epaphroditus. God's "grace" would enable them to do all that the apostle had exhorted them to do in this letter. This closing section of the epistle balances out the salutation that opened it (1:1-2).is eternal and gives eternal life to those who trust Him.2.     Walking in steadfastness 3:1â4:1A servant serves even when he or she receives no personal satisfaction.What an excellent prayer this is! We, also, who are members of today's true church, need God's grace for this same purpose.Paul also revealed what the mind of the saints who are in Christ should be. She was tired of fighting and struggling. Christians still need God's supernatural enablement to value highly the things of greatest importance as revealed in Scripture. This was another aspect of His humility.
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