In this regard we expect from our Ulmas to corelate the name of the old cities or countries mentioned in the Quran and the cities or countries destroyed by the God for their bad deeds mentioned in the Quran. Despite Saleh tried to guide them onto the true path by telling them that there is only one God, they refused to listen to his messages, from which they got punished by God.In this blog post, we’ll have a particular focus on Mada'in Saleh and its history, owing to the several interesting facts that will be uncovered. However, Muslims believe (by referencing the Quran) that they were originally built by the people of Thamud.I pray that Allah will continue to reveal the truth and make those who have been in the dark to hear, see and understand His words as sent through prophet Muhammed (SAW).I am surprised to see that the remnants of what our saviour refers to in the Holy Qur’an rrgarding this people are still remain. In 2008, UNESCO added Mada’in Saleh to its World Heritage List-- the first such distinction for a site in Saudi Arabia. Tucked away in the desert, today Madain Saleh is deserted, silent and stunningly well-preserved. Suggested Flights: Riyadh to Al Ula; departure: 2:40 PM. Frankincense, myrrh, and other spices from southern Arabia were brought up to the north along trade routes to be purchased by the Greeks, Romans Egyptians, Phoenicians, and others around the Mediterranean and in the Near East. The latter made Hegra their second capital city in case their main capital, Petra in today’s Jordan, was threatened by the Romans. What … Photo: Laura AlhoJoin over 6000 others and get Blue Abaya's latest updates directly to your email.Success! Especially since our Prophet (PBUH) warned us not to?The Quran mentions about this fact by stating:Assalam Aleikum.It goes to that the Holy Quran was from the Almighty ALLAH.Keep it up.Facts and findings by the modern day scientists has shown a lot about the living proof of the sermons in the Quran and these have made it undoubtful for whosoever wishes to live by the truth.Educative and revealing.
Would it be right? Madain Saleh was also referred to as “Al-Hjr”. Hegra was a crossroads where the major north-south incense route intersected a road from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf. An ancient well is also located in the vicinity of this mountain, and the top of its main rock outcrop has the remains of a Nabataean sacred high place.
May we be Guided always by the Qur’an and Sunnah. For those with time and energy, a short hike up the slopes surrounding the basin offers a rewarding view over the whole of Mada’in Saleh.The façade inscription states that the tomb was carved in the 13th year of the reign of King Aretas IV (5 CE) for Hawshab ibn Nafi, a Taymanite (i.e. The half-merlons at the top create a five-step design that is the signature feature of most Nabataean tombs. Some speculate that the five steps – never more, never less – represent the five major Nabatean deities, including Dúshara.North-east of the urban centre of ancient Hegra lies al-Bint Group, another cluster containing 31 tombs, numbered 17 to 46 and designated as Area B. Twenty-nine of these tombs are carved around a single large hill, while two simple unadorned burial chambers are located in their own tiny detached outcrop.
I’m Laura, the founder of Blue Abaya- the first travel blog in Saudi Arabia, established in 2010.
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