Startup tier account holders can access four tips and photos per venue, while Enterprise account holders have unlimited access, as well as unlimited regular and premium daily endpoint calls.“Since the very beginning, Foursquare has been all about supporting entrepreneurs and innovators, and this latest launch allows us to offer our industry-leading solutions for a new network of developers who want to connect people and place,” Krasniqi says. Foursquare will continue to offer free access to its API for non-commercial partners making fewer than 100,000 daily API calls.“There is no cutoff or size restriction for access to the Startup API tier. The breadth and accuracy of Foursquare’s location intelligence is impressive. Our Trending Popularity Score describes a surge or decline in foot traffic by utilizing five user-generated inputs such as visits, saves, tips, photos, and likes/dislikes.Commercial apps are applications that are paid or freemium (including in-app purchases), require a paid subscription or have in-app ads, or are not publicly accessible and available to all users. It contains 33,278,683 checkins by 266,909 users on 3,680,126 venues (in 415 cities in 77 countries). The solution formally launches this morning, but it’s already being used by a handful of mobile apps, including the life-tracking app Gyroscope, the foodie app Camera Eats First, and Slice, an app that helps consumers order from their favorite local pizzerias.“We know how important contextual location is and will continue to be for apps and developers, and we want to give businesses of all sizes the tools to make those experiences possible in their own apps,” says Peter Krasniqi, vice president of global sales strategy and operations at Foursquare.Places API for Startups is an extension of Foursquare’s popular Places API, which tech giants like Uber, Samsung, Snapchat, and Twitter have been using to add location into their apps and services for years. Download venue content and customize data to your business needsTrack changes in foot traffic with our trending and popularity scoresAssign a user’s smartphone to a specific location, in real-timeConnect to our API to search, discover and rank venuesFor developers that want to test our APILimited to one app per accountAPI call quota is 950 regular calls per day and 50 premium calls per dayFor developers that want to test our APIAPI call quota is 95,500 for regular calls per day and 500 for premium calls per dayFor developers that want to monetize their app or user base (i.e. Check out Accurately assign a mobile app user to a specific location (i.e. Those 415 cities are the most checked 415 cities by Foursquare users in the world, each of which contains at least 10K check-ins. With its new solution, Foursquare is making its data available to innovators and rising startups at an affordable price point.“We’re already helping some of the world’s biggest companies power contextual experiences that otherwise would not be possible without access to our best-in-class location database and understanding of more than 105 million places around the world, and we’re excited to help companies of all sizes and stages do the same,” Krasniqi says.With Places API for Startups, companies will be able to integrate Foursquare’s global venue database and add photos, tips, and reviews in order to give users a complete picture of any destination.
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