All employment relationships of the comdirect employees, which exist at the time of the merger, will be transferred to Commerzbank with the merger. The number of employees at the end of 2019 was 48,512.The comdirect locations Quickborn and Rostock will remain. In its Annual Report published today, Commerzbank reports on its figures for the past financial year. In March 2019, the Risk and Audit Committee received the annual report of the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering Officer and was informed about Internal Audit’s overall audit report for the 2018 financial year. The disclosures included in the report were selected based on a materiality analysis conducted in 2018. The goal of the merger is to combine the strengths of the two banks and to better prepare for the challenges of the market and the competitive environment.Commerzbank's Annual Report published today, reports on the audited figures for the past financial year and confirms the preliminary figures of the Group, as published at the Annual Press Conference on 13 February 2020.
The operating profit for 2018 stood at €1,245 million … Annual Report 2019: PDF, 3.1 MB: 20/03/2020: Commerzbank AG - Financial Statements and Management Report 2019: PDF, 1.5 MB: 28/11/2019: Disclosure Report as at 30 September 2019 in accordance with CRR : PDF, 134 kB: 07/11/2019: Interim Report as of September 30, 2019: PDF, 886 kB: 05/09/2019: Disclosure Report as at 30 June 2019 in accordance with CRR : PDF, 1.1 MB With this, the Bank intends to offer its customers the best solutions and to meet its claim to be the leading bank in Germany for retail customers and small-business customers. In addition to the strategic advantages of the merger, Commerzbank will realise synergy potential of up to €150 million per year as a result of the complete integration, increasing profitability in a difficult market environment. The service was performed on the German version of the report. Commerzbank and comdirect today signed the contract to merge comdirect into Commerzbank. After the legal merger, Commerzbank and comdirect will initially continue to offer unchanged services.
The exceptions are the updated standard GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018 and the new standard GRI 207: Taxes 2019.We have taken the content of Standard 101 (Foundation) into account in compiling this GRI report.
The main objective of the integration is the further development of our digital services for all customers with a focus on 'mobile first' and the expansion of personal advisory services especially for private banking, wealth management, and small-business customers.Detailed information about the monetary remuneration of the members of the Board of Managing Directors can be found in the remuneration report (starting on page 29).
Commerzbank publishes its 2019 Annual Report and merger contract with comdirect Integration of comdirect will take place in stages - further digital development with focus on 'mobile first' essential goal of integration 2019 Annual Report confirms figures published at Annual Press Conference Latest Ad-hoc news: 03.07.2020: Martin Zielke offers a mutual termination of his Board Membership and Stefan Schmittmann resigns from office as Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Operating profit for the 2019 financial year amounted to …
The Chairman of the Risk and Audit Committee was thoroughly informed by the head of Internal Audit prior to the meeting. This report also serves as our annual Communication on Progress regarding our implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC).For reasons of easier legibility, only the grammatically masculine form is used.
Commerzbank's Annual Report published today, reports on the audited figures for the past financial year and confirms the preliminary figures of the Group, as published at the Annual Press Conference on 13 February 2020. This includes the servicing of all profit-related capital instruments of Commerzbank AG. Operating profit for the 2019 financial year amounted to €1,258 million (2018: €1,242 million). Operating profit for the 2019 financial year amounted to … The key figures in the consolidated income statement are unchanged compared to the provisional figures communicated on 14 February 2019. The disclosures included in the report were selected based on a materiality analysis conducted in 2018. The comdirect Annual General Meeting will decide on the squeeze-out under merger law. For the purpose of equal treatment, references apply to all gender identities.For the Materiality Disclosures Service, GRI Services reviewed that the GRI content index is clearly presented and the references for Disclosures 102-40 to 102-49 align with appropriate sections in the body of the report.
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