The story of the epic Delano grape strike has long focused on Cesar Chavez and Mexican-American farm workers. Then, in January 1968, after the company had beaten the first boycott by shipping its grapes under the labels of other California and Arizona growers, the union extended the boycott to all table-grape growers.Chávez had a hard time adjusting to his new life as part of the migrant farm labor force. El Malcriado presented some of these questions to UFWOC Vice President Julio Hernandez, who is a citizen of Mexico and works in the United States under a green card permit. "Left chickens and cows and horses and implements. and so do nearly half of our members. It is definitely shocking and upsetting to see some of the UFW’s leadership embrace racist stereotypes like "wetback" to describe our people. Encouraged by Fred Ross, a well-known community organizer, Chávez quit the lumber yard to become a full-time organizer for the Community Services Organization (CSO), setting up chapters in Oakland and other towns across the state. "The strikers easily won the public relations battle. In August 1967, the union struck Giumarra Vineyards, a family-owned business and the largest grower of grapes in California. Chavez leads a 1,000-person march calling for improved working conditions in farms. At the same time, the Teamsters continued to challenge the UFW for the right to represent field hands, using its control over the trucking industry to force the growers to sign its contracts.Despite the new law, the UFW never regained the momentum it had enjoyed in the early 1970s. This was a tactic where the UFW would go down to the U.S. and Mexican border to camp out and to notify border patrol where ever they had seen our people crossing the border “illegally”. During the harvest season, everyone in the family had to pitch in to put enough food on the table and they lived "under a tree, with just a canvas on top of us, and sometimes in the car." Believing the union's only hope lay in a fair election in the fields, Chávez pressured Gov. The Union is keeping close tabs on every scab and on each man who is investigated to see that justice is done. The farm workers' struggle struck an immediate chord with students and other activists already galvanized by the civil rights movement, as it did within the labor movement. His family also owned a local grocery store, but when Cesar was only 11 the family lost the farm because of the Great Depression. But the UFW crossed a bigger line when they called on and submitted names and addresses to border patrol of migrants to be deported. Cesar Chavez's birthday, March 31, is a holiday in California, Denver (Colorado), and Texas. Less well known: the crucial contributions of Filipino migrants. In reading El Malcriado, articles like “The Wetback Game”, “Wetbacks Flood California”, or “La Migra Shapes up…We Hope”, the reader can feel as if they are reading a newspaper belonging to a neo-Nazi or Minutemen organization. His ever-present black nylon UFW union jacket is displayed in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. On April 23, 2015, the 22nd anniversary of his death, he was given full graveside honors from the U.S. Navy. Named executive director in 1959, Chávez moved to Los Angeles to work in the organization's front office. But a scab is a scab, regardless of his race or citizenship. Lying about his age, Chávez joined the U.S. Navy in 1944 and served two years before being honorably discharged. In 1948, he married his longtime sweetheart, Helen Fabela, whom he had met in 1943. Many of the workers, too, felt that the new grievance procedures were cumbersome and inadequate. The union, in turn, declared a boycott of Giumarra grapes. After the NFWA and AWOC merged in July 1966, the new United Farm Workers Organizing Committee won the first of many supervised representation elections. We consider all farm workers, Anglo, Negro, Filipino, Mexican, to be our brothers. If a man with a green card visa is working at Giumarra and he wishes to keep his green card and avoid deportation, he need only quit Giumarra and find other employment.” The article also mentions the names of more than forty Mexican migrant workers who were going to be deported thanks to the UFW.We should take the time to take a close look at the organizing tactics and language used by Chavez and the UFW in the 1960’s and 1970’s to see if we really want to celebrate his legacy. His parents, Librado Chávez, a small farmer and businessman, and Juana Estrada Chávez, a strong-willed, pious Catholic, ran a farm, grocery store, garage and pool hall in Arizona's North Gila Valley, near the California-Mexico border. Cesar Chavez Address to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, Nov. 9, 1984 ” ― Cesar Chavez tags: cesar-chavez.
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