Then a "shine" reflects on the sides of the box as it stops flipping, as is becoming straight.Logo descriptions by codyfinke, PAV123 and indycarLogo: On a black background, the CBS Video logo (shaped kind of like this: </) zooms-in from the upper right in a cheesy rainbow effect. "CBS VIDEO", in blue, zooms-up from the bottom, and the "</" turns white on the last note of the music.•On some DVD releases, at the end of the logo, two selections would appear in the middle with "PREVIEWS" and "MAIN MENU" on them.FX/SFX: The animation in the logo.Editor's Note: Overall it's a great logo.Logo captures by Eric S., JohnnyL80, snelfu, Dean Stewart Rumsey, Supermarty-o, Derrick Anderson, and indycarFX/SFX: The zoom-in effect, the words sliding in.FX/SFX: The box flipping diagonally, the "shine" reflection._______________________________________________________________Logo: On a gray/silver wall background, we see many colorful streaks (these are the same colors as the lights in CBS's 1992 ident), and a globe with the continents silver, are shown, then the CBS Eye comes to us, and a box with black inside it is where the CBS Eye would be, while the globe is covered in silver, and as we finish off, "CBS VIDEO" (or "CBS DVD" on DVD releases) in the same font as above, is on the bottom of the box. Nicknames: \"Abstract Multicolored CV\", \"\", \"CV\"Logo: On a black background, the CBS Video logo (shaped kind of like this: ) zooms-in from the upper right in a cheesy rainbow effect. Video captures courtesy of JohnnyL80, winerrs, DudeThatLogo, and Eric S.Nicknames: "CBS Box II", "The Globe", "CBS Eyemark II", "CBS Eyemark Box II"Music/Sounds: Same as the 5th logo, but with whoosh-like sounds.Nicknames: "CBS Box", "The Flipping CBS Eye", "CBS Eyemark", "CBS Eyemark Box"•On the "CBS DVD" variant, the Registered trademark "®" symbol, or the Trademark "™" symbol would sometimes appear on the bottom-right corner of the logo.Availability: Rare. \"CBS VIDEO\", in blue, zooms-up from the bottom, and the \"\" turns white on the last note of the music.FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The zoom-in effect, the words sliding in.Music/Sounds: Same as the 1st MGM/CBS Home Video logo.Availability: Rare. CBS Home Entertainment 1st Logo (October 1980-March 1981) Nicknames: "Abstract Multicolored CV", "", "CV" Logo: On a black background, an abstract conjoined "CV" (shaped kind of like this: ) zooms-in from the upper right while color bars can be seen scrolling in it.. As all that happens, the background turns cool gray/black gradient. The finished product resembles the 4th logo.Editions by codyfinke, mr3urious, V of Doom, wisp2007, Ben Masters, Donny Pearson, Liz Tetlow and indycarEditor's Note: As with the MGM/CBS logo, it's just simple computer animation, though the rainbow effect looks hideous.Nickname: "The Flipping Filmstrip"Logo: On a blue background we see an abstract filmstrip containing the white text "CBS" in its corporate font (called CBS Didot) and "VIDEO" beneath it flip into the center of the screen.Nicknames: "Abstract Multicolored CV", "</", "CV" Its releases are distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment. CBS, Inc. owned a home video arm, CBS Video Enterprises (CVE), established in 1975.
Logo Variations) | Miramax (49%) 1 | MTV Films | Nickelodeon Movies | Comedy Central Films | CMT Films | Paramount Animation | Viacom18 Motion Pictures 2 | United International Pictures 3 | Paramount Pictures France 4 | Paramount Players | BET Films | Awesomeness Films.
Note: This logo begins at 1:15.CBS Home Entertainment2009 CBS Home Entertainment logo (Menu Screen)See 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment for description.Logo descriptions by codyfinke, PAV123 and indycarLogo captures by Eric S., JohnnyL80, snelfu, Dean Stewart Rumsey, Supermarty-o, Derrick Anderson, and indycarEditions by codyfinke, mr3urious, V of Doom, wisp2007, Ben Masters, Donny Pearson, Liz Tetlow and indycarVideo captures courtesy of JohnnyL80, winerrs, DudeThatLogo, and Eric S.See MGM Home Entertainment for description.
History. CBS Home Entertainment2009 CBS Home Entertainment logo (Menu Screen) Nicknames: "CBS Vortex", "CBS Eyemark III" Logo: On a background full of spirals, we see five crescent-like shapes moving from the center to the right of us, unveiling a circle, and, at the same time two remaining crescent-like shapes flying in different directions. Seen at the end of MGM/CBS video releases of the era.Nicknames: "CBS Vortex", "CBS Eyemark III"FX/SFX: The two crescent-like shapes and circle that forms the CBS Eye on a vortex-like background.Music/Sounds: Same as the 1st MGM/CBS Home Video logo.Logo: On a black background, we see a box, with the CBS Eye inside the box, outlined with white, and a white rectangle with "CBS VIDEO" in the Compacta font, at the bottom of the box, flipping diagonally. CBS Home Entertainment (formerly CBS Video, currently branded as CBS DVD for DVD releases and CBS Blu-ray for Blu-ray releases) is a home entertainment company owned by ViacomCBS.
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