Click the Accept button in the email which will take you to the Acclaim website where you will be able to create an account and claim your badge.Now you can quickly and easily share verified proof of your distinguished PMI certification wherever and whenever you choose. We work with academic institutions, corporations, and professional associations to translate learning outcomes into digital credentials that are immediately validated, managed, and shared. We work with academic institutions, corporations, and professional associations to translate learning outcomes into digital credentials that are immediately validated, managed, and shared. PMI has partnered with Acclaim to provide you with a digital badge that proudly displays your professional qualifications and achievements. Credly's Acclaim is a global Open Badge platform that closes the gap between skills and opportunities. Acclaim was designed to allow you to easily and efficiently manage and share your professional achievements. Click the Accept button in the email which will take you to the Acclaim website where you will be able to create an account and claim your badge. For more details and FAQs, see our digital badging page which lists the active exams and certifications that are eligible for badges. If you did not receive an email from Acclaim within two weeks of earning your certification or need support, contact or review the FAQs. If you earned a badge for an exam or certification that was chosen to be part of the digital badge program but was later placed on the retired list, you can still redeem the badge via Credly’s Acclaim platform and share it as usual to other platforms or by email.

We work with academic institutions, corporations, and professional associations to translate learning outcomes into digital credentials that are immediately validated, managed, and shared.

It allows you to easily show your colleagues, friends or potential employers:A PMI certification—recognized globally—validates that you have the knowledge, skills and experience to contribute to project, strategic and organizational success. If you did not receive an email from Acclaim within two weeks of earning your certification or need support, contact or review the FAQs. We can help with step-by-step guidance for adding to your social media profile and tools for embedding verifiable badges on websites, digital resumes, or email signatures.

Look for the Digital Badges tab: it links to Credly’s Acclaim platform where you can claim your badge(s) and start sharing. You can also share your complete Acclaim profile to provide an employer with the full context of your abilities, represented by the various badges you’ve earned and manage through the Acclaim platform.You can share your badges with anyone you’d like, wherever you’d like:You can earn a badge for lots of different things, from many different organizations. MyLab IT badges represent the competencies and skills that learners have not only mastered, but have also demonstrated through their completion of the course. Watch this video to learn how to create your Acclaim account, accept and share your badge.

PMI has partnered with Acclaim to provide you with a digital badge that proudly displays your professional qualifications and achievements. Plus, your badge comes with valuable job market information so that you can keep your career moving forward.

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